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Guatemala is the new member of the family Football 7 World

Friends of Guatemala, Football 7 is already a Paralympic sport and we are the pioneers in the project of international development of the modality Football 7 in professional level. We started our work in 2011 bringing together sportsmen from all over the world. Since then many sports lovers have become part of our family and have sought to collaborate so that we can raise the sport to a new level in world sport. Our family is made up of thousands of athletes, among them children, women, amateur athletes, professionals and great stars of the world sport, like the Brazilian Falcão who brightened our last competition, held in March. Since we started our walk no sports league or team from any country has been banned from participating in sporting events held by any other sports organization or promoter. This is due to the fact that we understand that the sport has no owner and regardless of who promotes a sport, the origin of this initiative is always the passion and love for the sport. When we offer athletes the opportunity to choose, it has been common practice that practically everyone has opted for our work. Respect and credibility is not something imposed but rather conquered. Throughout this period of work we never needed any sanction or punishment on our part to any team, athlete or leader, because we have always had in the dialogue the basis of our institutional relations. We understand that for an amateur sport to grow at a professional level it is not healthy to punish, but rather to guide and shake hands. We are responsible for assisting in the creation of football leagues 7 in various countries around the world and we support initiatives that aim to always offer athletes and teams the best experience within the sport. With great satisfaction we see in the initiative of the leaders of Huracan FC an important step for the growth of Football 7 in Guatemala, who in an intelligent and courageous way requested us support for the creation of a sports league in the country. We know that your desire represents the will of many others who love the sport in the country. In its history, Guatemala has experienced a great deal of political and social instability, but the people have always fought to establish a solid democracy in the country and the sport will be no different. Fighting for what is just and right is a sentiment that is rooted in the Guatemalan people and this is critical to the development of honest and successful initiatives. All clubs, athletes and leaders are invited to join our family and live the best sport experience in international football. We are passionate about Football 7 as you and we will be together, as in the embrace of a goal. Hugo Loureiro President Football 7 World Fabian Canaveris President Federation Internationale de Football 7

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