Ireland is the new member of the International Federation
Jūranas Moskaliovas (middle) is one of the most well-known sportsmen in irish football 7.
The Elite F7 Soccer League is the new member of the Federation Internationale de Footbal 7 (FIF7). The league is played in Dublin, the capital of Ireland, and features traditional local 7 football clubs. The League is run by Jūranas Moskaliovas, who is one of the best-known sportsmen of football 7 in the country.
Among the events held in the season highlight the F7 Spark Energy League, which brings together the main local teams, notably the traditional Baltic United, FC Poland, KF Albania and Universitatea Kraiova. The league will bring three Irish teams to the top seven European club football championships.
The F7 European Club Championship will be held in Barcelona (Spain) in September and will reward the champions with a trip to Brazil for the 2018 Foball 7 World Club Championship.