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Football 7 WORLD CUP. Seventeen national teams in search of the title, check the groups

The Football 7 World Cup will be held between December 11 and 15 in Curitiba (Brazil), the largest competition of the sport will put in the field the elite of the international football 7. There will be seventeen national teams participating in the event in 02 categories.

In the men's category there are 10 teams, while in the other 7 teams will be on the field and more than 300 participants. The games will be held in an arena at Positivo University, one of the largest university campuses in Brazil.

In the men's category the 10 teams are divided into two groups, classifying four teams from each group for the knockout phase, while in the women's category are two groups, ranking the two best in each group for the semifinals.

The men's teams eliminated in the quarterfinals and women's teams eliminated in the first round will compete for the Intercontinenal Cup title that will be parallel to the finals Football 7 World Cup.

Tickets for the Football 7 World Cup will be marketed as of December 7 in the Arena of games at the University Positivo at the promotional price of U$6 a day passport.

football 7 federation

Football 7 International

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